Häufige Fragen

How is the cost coverage for measures of Biological Medicine regulated by health insurance companies?

The cost coverage by statutory health insurance is primarily based on conventional medical services. However, since Biological Medicine goes deeper in terms of diagnostics and therapy, the services that go beyond conventional examinations and treatments must be paid for by the patient.

Private health insurance companies cover many, but not always all, services. This can vary greatly from one insurance company to another and depends on the contractual conditions you have agreed upon.

In general, it should be noted that the insurance companies do not guarantee coverage for comprehensive holistic diagnostics and therapy. According to the Social Code, insurance benefits must be "sufficient, appropriate, and economical." Services that go beyond this scope are not covered by statutory insurance. We are happy to advise you on this matter prior to treatment.

Who is available as a substitute during vacations?

Herr Dr. Ziervogel
Karl-Marx-Str. 16 b
15926 Luckau
Tel: 03544 2223

Frau Dr. Graßmel
Jahnstr. 4
15926 Luckau
Tel: 03544-6166

I have a very long commute, what options are available?

To save you unnecessary travel, we kindly ask you to briefly explain your concerns in writing and send them to us in advance along with all relevant previous findings (by mail, email, or fax). We will then attempt to consolidate all necessary diagnostics and, if possible, even the initial therapeutic measures on a single day.

For patients for whom this is not feasible or who require multiple therapies per week, there are many affordable and pleasant accommodation options available in Luckau and the surrounding area.

How can I schedule an appointment at the office?

Appointments can be made by phone (Tel: 03544-2232). If all medical assistants are busy during our office hours, please leave your phone number and reason for the appointment on the answering machine. We will return your call as soon as possible.

You can also inform us of your appointment preferences by email (praxis@riedel-luckau.de) or fax (03544 557282). Please don't forget to briefly mention the reason for your appointment request and provide a callback number.


Appointment consultation
Mo - Fr      07:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Mo            03:00 - 06:00 p.m.

Special appointment consultation:
(Lyme disease, Long-Covid, cancer therapy):
Mo - Fr      10.15 - 12.15 a.m.


The practice will be closed at the following times:

Friday, May 10th 2024
August 01st - August 23rd 2024


Dr. med. Frank Riedel
Karl-Marx-Straße 1 | 15926 Luckau
Tel.: 03544 2232
Fax: 03544 557282
E-Mail: info@riedel-luckau.de