We primarily use the ancient Chinese treatment method of acupuncture for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain (e.g., back, neck, arm, or knee pain). In addition, acupuncture is applied for the treatment of allergies (e.g., hay fever), mental disorders or discomfort (e.g., sleep disorders, restlessness), internal diseases (e.g., digestive disorders, bronchial asthma), or as part of smoking cessation and alongside weight reduction.
In addition to the traditional body acupuncture, we also practice ear acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and cupping therapy as accompanying treatments in our practice.
Healthy through small needle pricks
Since the 1970s, acupuncture has become known to a wider audience in the Western world. For about 3,000 years, it has been highly valued in China as an effective treatment for pain, functional and mental disorders, as well as for harmonizing the immune system. Today, even conventional medicine has recognized the gentle healing power of traditional Chinese acupuncture and has incorporated it into its range of treatments. Acupuncture is recognized as a therapy for many complaints, and it is often combined with conventional therapies. Scientists worldwide are researching how tiny acupuncture needles can help alleviate migraines, allergies, or even paralysis.
The Chinese teachings themselves explain the effect of acupuncture (the term is derived from the Latin words acus, meaning "needle," and pungere, meaning "to prick"). These teachings are based on a view of human beings that differs significantly from our scientifically oriented perspective. While Western medicine measures health through measurable factors such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, or electrocardiograms, from a Chinese perspective, health is determined by the life energy called Qi. Qi flows through the body along energy pathways called meridians, touching the surface of the skin at over 700 points. When the flow of Qi is harmonious, a person is healthy. On the other hand, illness and pain are expressions of disharmony in the flow of Qi. They can be caused by external or internal factors such as cold, heat, improper nutrition, or even psychological factors.
Stimulating self-healing
The goal of all measures in Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, is to normalize disrupted energies. The acupuncture points located along the meridians are stimulated using fine needles, gently regulating the disturbed energy flow. Each of these points is connected to a specific organ or organ system and has a precisely defined healing effect. Therefore, the acupuncturist selects only those points on the patient's body, hands, feet, or ear that correspond to their specific pattern of disharmony. Instead of directly treating the diseased organ, as in Western medicine, acupuncture indirectly influences it through external points on the skin, the acupuncture points. Their reflexive effects balance the energy of the organs and stimulate them to self-healing. A variety of functional disorders - which are diseases without permanent organ damage - can be successfully treated in this way. When acupuncture is applied correctly, harmful side effects often associated with medication therapies do not occur.
In addition to classical acupuncture, there are the following acupuncture variations:
• Auricular acupuncture: The entire body and its organs are reflected on the ear auricle. They can be influenced through the 110 auricular acupuncture points.
• Scalp acupuncture: A special form of acupuncture that is particularly indicated for paralysis, speech disorders, and nerve disorders.
• Electroacupuncture: Instead of needles, acupuncture points are stimulated by harmless electrical impulses.
• Laser acupuncture: In this technique, the needles are replaced by laser light.
• Acupressure: Stimulation is achieved through finger pressure on the acupuncture points.
• Moxibustion: The stimulating effect of the needles is enhanced by additional heat and/or herbal substances such as mugwort.
Where does acupuncture help?
• Disorders of the musculoskeletal system: joint pain, back pain, shoulder-neck pain, muscular tension
• Headaches (migraine, tension headaches, trigeminal neuralgia)
• Allergies (hay fever, allergic asthma)
• Pregnancy, childbirth, menstrual complaints
• Mental health issues (sleep disorders, depressive mood)
• Other conditions (e.g., colds, digestive disorders)