
Biological detoxification

The topic of detoxification and cleansing is of great importance as a fundamental measure for a successful therapy. Regardless of the underlying condition to be treated, relieving the body of harmful substances, whether originating from its own metabolism or from external sources, increases the body's regulatory capacity and its self-healing powers. It is important to combine various measures to achieve optimal results. The following explanations aim to enhance your understanding of the therapeutic steps I recommend. Simply put, a successful detoxification process includes the following measures:

• Basic measures
• Activation of detoxification organs
• Cellular detoxification
• Connective tissue detoxification
• Detoxification through the intestines
• Specific detoxification measures (Chelation therapy)

Basic measures

Our body constantly detoxifies. In normal metabolism, intermediate and end products are constantly produced, which need to be rendered harmless and eliminated. Toxins also enter our body from the outside through respiration, food, and drinking water, which need to be detoxified. The body attempts to eliminate such toxic substances either unchanged or after metabolism (known as cellular detoxification). Elimination occurs through the lungs (excretion of gaseous toxins), the kidneys (excretion of water-soluble toxins), and the intestines (excretion of fat- and bile-bound substances). If these elimination pathways are insufficient, the skin is also used as a disposal organ (especially for more acidic metabolic waste). The resulting irritation of the skin often manifests as eczema and rashes.

You can support your organism's efforts through simple measures. The most important one is undoubtedly drinking plenty of mineral-poor water. Toxins have a more harmful effect the higher their tissue concentration. Drinking 2-3 liters of water per day has an important dilution effect. In this regard, mineral-poor water can dissolve toxins significantly better than mineral-rich water. Additionally, increased fluid intake enhances excretion through the kidneys.

Plenty of exercise in fresh air with deep breathing promotes the exhalation of gaseous toxins. It doesn't have to be high-performance sports. A brisk walk daily is already helpful.

The elimination through the skin is supported by the use of alkaline baths (alkaline bath salts are added to the bathwater, which stimulates acid excretion through the skin). Sauna sessions are also beneficial, but prior to a sauna visit, attention should be paid to sufficient intake of alkaline substances.

A fiber-rich diet with plenty of indigestible plant fibers from whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, and salads supports detoxification through the intestines. Some intestinal toxins originating from food, liver metabolism, or an unhealthy intestinal flora can be bound to fibers and thus eliminated.

The diet itself should be rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products, as they not only provide fibers but also large amounts of alkaline minerals. Without sufficient alkaline minerals, the acids generated in metabolism cannot be neutralized, resulting in the deposition of metabolic waste bound to fat and protein in the body.

Fasting cures should only be conducted under expert supervision. Many toxins are stored in fatty tissue. Fasting leads to rapid breakdown of fat tissue, releasing large amounts of toxins. The resulting fasting crises can be at best unpleasant but can also have serious consequences.

Activation of the elimination organs

Although all metabolic processes are of a biochemical nature, these processes are regulated by a higher-level bioenergetic level. As part of a holistic treatment approach, the elimination organs can also be supported in their activity and the elimination of toxic substances can be specifically stimulated through bioresonance therapy.

Cellular detoxification

The disposal of useless or toxic substrates, which are either naturally generated in metabolism or acquired as foreign substances from the outside, usually cannot take place directly but requires conversion into excretable substances. Such conversion occurs in the cells of almost all tissues. In this cellular detoxification process, which is divided into two phases, toxic substances are prepared by enzymes to enable their elimination. The highly specific enzyme systems required for this process can be found in most cells, but they are particularly abundant in the main detoxification organs, such as the liver and kidneys. The reactions of the so-called Phase 1 must be balanced with the reactions of Phase 2 to avoid accumulation of toxic intermediates.

The activity of these enzyme systems is sensitive to the body's supply of various micronutrients. Secondary plant compounds play a prominent role in this regard, as they have a direct and essential influence on the processes of biochemical detoxification.

Therapeutic measures to stimulate cellular detoxification involve the targeted administration of these plant compounds and other micronutrients in standardized and concentrated doses. Depending on the individual's needs, this can be done in the form of capsules or through infusion treatments, and in some cases, both methods may be combined.

Connective tissue detoxification (acid detoxification)

The connective tissue is the tissue that lies between cells, connecting them, responsible for nourishing the cells, and where cells dispose of their metabolic waste products. Normally, the substances to be eliminated are transported from the connective tissue via the lymphatic system and eventually excreted through the elimination organs. In order for this to succeed, metabolic acids must be neutralized and made water-soluble by binding them to alkaline minerals. If there is an insufficient supply of alkaline minerals from the diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains), the body resorts to using its own reserves, primarily from the bones. A chronic imbalance between the accumulation of metabolic acids and the available minerals is therefore a significant cause of bone demineralization (osteoporosis).

To avoid depleting its mineral reserves, the body employs another method of acid neutralization. By binding metabolic acids to fats and proteins, the acids are rendered harmless. However, in this form, they cannot be excreted and must be stored temporarily in the connective tissue until sufficient alkaline minerals become available again. In many cases, mineral deficiency is a chronic condition, whether due to a diet low in minerals or an excessive accumulation of metabolic acids resulting from illnesses or exposure to toxins. Consequently, the connective tissue gradually becomes a dumping ground for waste in the body.

Over time, not only is waste disposal compromised, but the supply of nutrients to cells through the connective tissue is also affected. Organ dysfunction with various symptoms (depending on the primarily affected organ) is the result. Chronic acidification plays a particularly significant role in all inflammatory diseases (e.g., rheumatism) and musculoskeletal disorders.

Therapeutic measures primarily involve the administration of alkaline substances. In addition to dietary changes (consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains), this is achieved through the prescription of alkaline minerals in powder or capsule form. The aforementioned basic measures are also important (exhalation of acid equivalents in the form of carbon dioxide through the lungs, deacidification via the skin, ample water intake for dilution).

Especially in the case of chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the administration of bases through infusion treatment over a period of 10 days can bring rapid and significant relief (procaine base infusion).

Detoxification via the intestines

Harmful substances can enter our body through the intestines via food. When the number and composition of intestinal bacteria are disturbed due to poor nutrition or antibiotics, they constantly produce toxins (such as fusel alcohols) that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal mucosa.

Detoxification measures through the intestines involve the therapeutic use of substances capable of binding toxins and preventing their absorption (e.g., in the form of fiber powders or clinoptilolite). In addition, probiotics can reduce toxin production by promoting the health of the intestinal flora.

However, direct detoxification of the body can also occur through the intestines. Many toxic substances in the body are detoxified by the liver and excreted into the upper small intestine through bile fluid. Unfortunately, they can be reabsorbed in lower sections of the intestine, reentering the body (known as the enterohepatic circulation). This applies to a variety of fat-soluble toxins, but especially to neurotoxins (substances that damage the nervous system) most frequently. For example, Borrelia bacteria produce neurotoxins responsible for the symptoms of chronic neuroborreliosis. Due to the enterohepatic circulation, the body is unable to effectively eliminate these nerve toxins. In such cases, the administration of toxin-binding substances can prevent their reabsorption into the body, thereby reducing toxin concentration in the organism. A slow but steady improvement in neurological symptoms is the therapeutic success, which can be demonstrated through the Visual Contrast Sensitivity test.

Specific detoxification measures

For most toxins in the body, there is no specific "antidote". The measures listed above stimulate the body's detoxification capabilities in a non-specific manner on various levels. In contrast, certain substances, such as heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and others, can be eliminated from the body using a specific antidote. The treatment required for this is called chelation therapy.

It is not always necessary to implement all the detoxification measures listed above. Which ones are actually meaningful and feasible for you will be determined through appropriate diagnostics and discussed in detail during a conversation.

Appointment consultation
Mo - Fr      07:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Mo            03:00 - 06:00 p.m.

Special appointment consultation:
(Lyme disease, Long-Covid, cancer therapy):
Mo - Fr      10.15 - 12.15 a.m.


The practice will be closed at the following times:

Friday, May 10th 2024
August 01st - August 23rd 2024


Dr. med. Frank Riedel
Karl-Marx-Straße 1 | 15926 Luckau
Tel.: 03544 2232
Fax: 03544 557282
E-Mail: info@riedel-luckau.de