
What does the integrative concept in cancer therapy entail?

The procedures usually applied in the context of cancer therapy, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, often represent an enormous burden for the organism. The integrative concept in cancer therapy was developed to improve above all the tolerability, but also the response rate of the mentioned treatment procedures. It is applied as a supplement to conventional cancer therapy, since it is based on the principles of empirical medicine and is not recognized by scientific orthodox medicine. However, the concept can also be an important component of active cancer aftercare following successful treatment of the tumor.
The goals of complementary therapy are, in addition to the destruction of tumor cells with few side effects, the reduction of undesirable effects of radiation or chemotherapy, the stabilization of the immune system, protection against the formation of new tumor cells, and the improvement of quality of life.
In order to achieve these goals with the greatest possible benefit and safety for the patient, the Integrative Concept in Cancer Therapy was developed. It includes complementary therapeutic measures that are coordinated with each other for all stages of the disease and treatment of the tumor.

The necessary measures are based not only on the primary disease and the patient's general condition, but also primarily on the results of detailed biochemical laboratory findings and the results of bioenergetic diagnostics.

The main component of the concept is the intensive and combined application of various natural substances with different effects on the cancer cells or the immune system. This is done by infusions, which are given daily at the beginning if possible, then one to several times a week, and finally once a month in the long term.
Depending on the medical requirements and the individual needs and possibilities of the patient, the following substances and therapeutic methods are used as part of the holistic treatment.

Extract from bitter apricot kernels: this is said to have a direct destructive (cytotoxic) effect on cancer cells and a reduction in the ability to metastasize

Extract from annual mugwort: also cytotoxic effect on cancer cells and reduction of new blood vessel formation within tumors

Green tea extract: the catechins of green tea have inhibitory effects on both cancer cell development and cancer cell growth

DCA (dichloroacetate): especially for "fermenting tumors", brain tumors and malignant systemic diseases
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide): mainly has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Curcuma: anti-cancer through suppression of inflammation, especially in breast, intestinal, pancreatic and prostate carcinoma

High-dose vitamin C: especially for solid tumors, leukemias and high inflammation levels

Enyzm therapy: enzymes can dissolve the mucin layer around many tumors, making the tumor more vulnerable to the immune system and therapeutic agents.

Oxyvenation: the administration of pure oxygen directly into the venous blood vessels leads to a better oxygen supply of the organism, to the activation of the mitochondria (energy power plants of the cell) and to a reduced tendency of tumor cells to metastasize.

Thymus therapy: for activation of the immune system

Orthomolecular therapy: vital substance supplementation (vitamins, minerals, etc.) to support the immune system

Excretion and detoxification measures: Elimination of heavy metals (chelation therapy), tumor decay products and drug contamination (biological detoxification)

Bioresonance therapy: to improve general well-being and support all other forms of therapy
Nutritional therapy: The focus of the integrative concept in cancer therapy is on the patient as a whole. On the one hand, this holistic approach means treating the disease with all the means available to modern medicine. However, complementary measures also play a similar role. These are aimed at maintaining and supporting the "healthy" parts of the patient to better cope with the disease. The dual principle of action, directly combating the cancer and supporting the self-healing mechanisms, forms the basis of the concept.

The integrative concept in cancer therapy can be applied throughout the entire disease phase, from diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the aftercare phase.

What are the advantages of the integrative concept in cancer therapy?

The integrative concept in cancer therapy offers a holistic treatment concept for patients seeking complementary approaches to conventional cancer therapy in order to improve the chances of recovery and enhance the quality of life.


Appointment consultation
Mo - Fr      07:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Mo            03:00 - 06:00 p.m.

Special appointment consultation:
(Lyme disease, Long-Covid, cancer therapy):
Mo - Fr      10.15 - 12.15 a.m.


The practice will be closed at the following times:

Fr 31.01. - Fr 07.02.25
Fr 21.02. - Fr 28.02.25
Mo 14.04. - Fr 02.05.25


Dr. med. Frank Riedel
Karl-Marx-Straße 1 | 15926 Luckau
Tel.: 03544 2232
Fax: 03544 557282