Heavy metal & hormone diagnostics

Heavy metal diagnostics

Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, or cadmium pose significant burdens for many individuals, leading to disruptions in the immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, and various other organs. Sources of such contamination can include amalgam fillings, food, cigarette smoke, industrial toxins, or old leaded water pipes.

The presence of heavy metal toxicity can be quickly and reliably determined through bioenergetic diagnostics. This provides a simple "yes" or "no" answer regarding the presence of contamination, which is often sufficient for many inquiries and treatment decisions.

If necessary, the extent of heavy metal toxicity can be assessed through a heavy metal burden test. This involves measuring the excretion of heavy metals in urine before and after the administration of a heavy metal chelating agent. Changes in excretion levels can be monitored throughout the course of therapy.

Another method for investigating heavy metal toxicity is through hair mineral analysis. However, due to the slow growth of hair, therapeutic monitoring may not be feasible or may require an extended period of time.

The primary treatment approach for existing heavy metal toxicity is chelation therapy. Additionally, certain vital substances (such as selenium and zinc), intestinal administration of heavy metal binders, or bioresonance therapy can be used as supportive measures.

Hormone diagnostics

Hormone determinations are usually performed through blood analysis and, if necessary, urine tests. However, the distinction between hormone bound to proteins and the free, active hormone fraction is not made. As a result, symptoms of a hormonal disorder may occur even with normal total hormone levels, as the balance between free and bound hormone has been disrupted.

This diagnostic gap can be filled by analyzing the free hormone fraction in saliva, especially for the determination of sex and stress hormones.

Mainly women who are reluctant to undergo therapy with synthetic hormone preparations can benefit from treatment with bioidentical hormones, which are identical to those produced by the body. Unlike synthetic hormones, the dosage of bioidentical hormones can be accurately monitored through saliva diagnostics. When prescribed and dosed correctly, bioidentical hormone therapy is nearly devoid of side effects.


Appointment consultation
Mo - Fr      07:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Mo            03:00 - 06:00 p.m.

Special appointment consultation:
(Lyme disease, Long-Covid, cancer therapy):
Mo - Fr      10.15 - 12.15 a.m.


The practice will be closed at the following times:

Friday, May 10th 2024
August 01st - August 23rd 2024


Dr. med. Frank Riedel
Karl-Marx-Straße 1 | 15926 Luckau
Tel.: 03544 2232
Fax: 03544 557282
E-Mail: info@riedel-luckau.de