bioresonance therapy
What is understood by bioresonance?
The cells of the human organism communicate with each other through direct contact, messenger substances, hormones, the nervous system, or via minimal electromagnetic fields. The overarching control level in this process is the electromagnetic fields, which allow incredibly fast communication even over larger distances.
Each cell and also each substance inside and outside the organism has its own specific electromagnetic field or frequency spectrum. This, in turn, is influenced by the electromagnetic fields of other cells and substances. The resulting interaction can be resonance (the fields match each other) or dissonance (the fields do not match each other). Likewise, the frequency spectrum of cells or organs can change due to diseases. Healthy cells exhibit a characteristic, harmonious frequency spectrum specific to the type of cell, whereas the electromagnetic field of diseased tissue is disharmonious.
These phenomena are exploited, on the one hand, for bioenergetic diagnostics, where disharmonious patterns are sought or the resonance or dissonance to the provocation with substances (e.g., allergens or environmental toxins) is determined.
On the other hand, this knowledge is utilized for therapy, known as bioresonance therapy. In this therapy, electromagnetic information from the organism is collected by electrodes from the bioresonance device. The device is designed to distinguish and transform harmonious and disharmonious frequency patterns. The altered frequency pattern administered to the patient through an electromagnetic mat triggers a resonance phenomenon in the organism. This means that the cells of the body react to the altered electromagnetic field. The reactions triggered ultimately lead to the activation of healing processes.
Not only can the information from the organism be used for therapy, but also the specific frequency patterns of substances such as medications, homeopathic remedies, and other supportive substances. Potentially harmful substances (e.g., allergens) are also therapeutically utilized. However, in this case, the aim is not to generate resonance between the organism and the allergen but to erase the existing resonance to the allergen (the allergy) through therapy and thus reduce the organism's predisposition to allergies.
How is bioresonance therapy conducted?
A bioresonance treatment is completely painless. The electromagnetic fields used in the therapy are only perceived by extremely sensitive individuals. However, some people may experience slight fatigue after the treatment.
Electrodes on the hands, feet, or over affected areas of the body transmit the information from the organism to the bioresonance device. An electromagnetic mat placed on the patient's back delivers the therapy impulses. The patient can either lie down or sit during the treatment.
The duration of a therapy session varies depending on the reason for treatment, typically lasting 30 to 60 minutes. In the case of children, who generally have better regulatory abilities, the duration is usually half the time. On average, 3 to 10 treatments are conducted once or twice a week, depending on the duration of the illness and the severity of the symptoms.
Bioresonance treatment can be performed as a standalone therapy, but it is often part of a comprehensive treatment approach that includes measures for detoxification, cell regeneration, and improvement of blood circulation.
What are the benefits of bioresonance therapy?
Bioresonance therapy is one of the most individualized forms of therapy as it utilizes patient-specific information for treatment. For certain burdens (such as geopathy/electrosmog), bioresonance therapy is the only known treatment method. Allergies, especially in individuals with multiple allergies, can often only be causally influenced by additional bioresonance treatment. However, the full benefit of this therapy is realized when it is part of a holistic treatment approach combined with various other methods.
Bioresonance therapy provides the body with assistance for self-help. The reactions triggered by the treatment require time for the organism to respond. Therefore, therapy sessions cannot be conducted on a daily basis (except in the case of acute conditions). It is also important to note that no miraculous healings can be expected, particularly in cases of long-standing illnesses where damaged structures cannot be rebuilt naturally. However, wherever disturbed regulation plays a role in the course of an illness, bioresonance therapy can be the crucial step towards recovery.